Invited Engagements:
1. I was featured in an article about science researchers developing allergies to their study organisms. A sad, ironic, and severe but manageable allergy to corals and sea urchins won't deter me! Check it out here: 2. I was invited to give an interview with the radio station KPOO-FM 89.5's program "Let Me Touch Your Mind" about all things corals, my path in marine science, and my current research on coral bleaching (2/1/2021). You can inquire for a download of the mp3 recording. 3. I was invited to give an interview on Roots to STEM Podcast, tagged as "a podcast where we talk to scientists about the paths they've taken to get to where they are today and the lessons they've learned along the way." It is available on Apple iTunes and Spotify. |
Science Communication:
1. Here I am teaching at Stanford Splash in May 2018: In this photo I am giving a mock demonstration of coral bleaching in a representative heating tank system like the ones I use for my research on coral temperature resistance and recovery. Stanford Splash is a biannual event for Stanford students to teach classes to middle and high school students predominantly living in the San Francisco Bay Area. 2. Check out this public-friendly piece I wrote for the Hopkins Marine Station High Tidings Blog on my fieldwork and dissertation research conducted in the Indo-Pacific archipelago nation of Palau: |